In 2012, I ran one of the hardest 100 mile races in the country. I had heard all these stories about how technical it is, how muddy it can be and how unforgiving it is. After running it, I can now understand what everyone was talking about. I agree, it is one of the hardest 100's in the country.
After completing a hundred mile race you usually get a low for a day or two and wonder if you ever want to do a race that long again, but after H.U.R.T. it took a lot longer. Mentally I was destroyed. I had never felt so exhausted in my life after running a 100 miler. It lasted for nearly 3 weeks. I was forcing myself to go out for short runs to help with my physical recovery, which was not nearly as bad as my mental was. When I finally got back into the swing of running consistently again and having fun doing it, I looked to the future: What am I going to do next? Will I ever sign up for H.U.R.T. again?
I planned on doing several 100's throughout the year. Some were races while others were my own adventures at the 100 mile distance. The big question was, am i going to run H.U.R.T. in 2013? As you may already know, yes I decided to put in for H.U.R.T. 2013 and I got in. I was all excited and started to set my training plan to get ready since I was disappointed with my previous result. As I began to ramp up my training, I was plagued with three injuries in a two month period. It was frustrating and even devastating to me. I had never had this many injuries at once in my 10 plus years of running. I wanted to do really well, but now all I wanted was to be healthy and finish. With only a few days left til the start of the race, things are looking up!! The ankle is getting stronger and my excitement for the race is returning. It is time for H.U.R.T. 2013.
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Can't wait to follow you while I sip a cup of coffee. Happy trails, friend.